I don't know if I've mentioned this in the past, but Malawi is one of the worst countries in the world for driving.. People here are not the most cautious of drivers and I don't think there are any real laws implemented on the road. I do see police everywhere stopping vehicles to check registration , etc.. And a few speed traps on the highway.. But I don't know if they can really effectively pull people over as their way of telling you to pull over is to wave to you.. I think anyone breaking the law can easily just drive right past them. Traffic lights work sometimes, and when they do, they are optional. I've learned to follow every else's lead and if the light is red, but I can go.. I usually do. And if you decide to abide by the rules, but the people around you would prefer to go, they just go around you.
There are no street lights, and it is very difficult to see at night.. There are goats, cow, people on bikes, people walking, etc on the streets, so it always seems like an obstacle course.. And, there is no limit on drinking.. So, anyone who is loaded may get behind the wheel of a car.. When you stop at a gas station, you are probably going to see a group of guys sitting in the parking lot, drinking beers.. It seems like the norm is to go into the shop, buy one beer, drink it, return the bottle for a refund, and then buy another beer. I'm sure there's a designated driver amongst the group.
I can tolerate all of this, and I actually really enjoy driving here.. But the one thing that freaks me out is the pickup trucks and other big vehicles that carry people in the back like cattle.. They look like they will spill out the sides and if they hit a bump in the road or have to make a sudden stop.. many of them will get severely hurt or killed. Last week, when we headed to the lake, we drove past many, many trucks packed like this.. Most of them filled with people headed to the Mother's day party at the lake.. Most of them were drinking, and many decided it would be fun to moon us as we drove past them.. Kate said "that's the butts I've seen in my life." Here's are two videos for you ... One is the lakefront where we stayed last week.. A real african beach front.. The other is a large group of young men in the back of a truck.. going about 70 MPH down the highway..
Not much else to report.. Michelle and I had a date night last evening and went down the street to "Don Brioni's"... an Italian named restaurant, owned by a Welshman, with a Cuban themed decor, that serves English Fish and Chips, Greek Salad, Hamburgers, Hummus and Pasta Alfredo.. It was actually delicious.. with a great setting, 2 minutes from home and the food was great.
Here's some reviews and photos if you are bored.
The photo is our porch.. We have several buckets that are filled with water to resort to when we run out of water. It happens periodically, but it mostly happens when you most need it.. Like shower nights.. Last night, hot water was out, cold water was out.. so bucket showers were needed. We have to heat up some water, have a hot bucket and a cold bucket and go at it.. Be thankful for your local water district..
That's it for now, have a 2nd grade class banging at my door.. Hope all is well at home..