Thursday, April 9, 2015

In Zomba

Have arrived at our third stop ... The Zomba plateau .. We are staying at a cottage called the Montfort cottage ... The view from the porch is unbelievable ... Will post more on our previous stop and this one at a later date . Internet is spotty and when I have better service , will go into detail about our journeys ... So far , so good . I thought I posted about mulanje but have not . I have lots of notes about our 2 day stay and will post later .. Sorry for the short and not so witty writing , just typing on my phone and very limited internet . It's cold here in zomba and it reminds us of home .. Photos are of the view from our cottage (40$ a night ) and the kids before going on a horse ride here at the plateau.. Also is one of me swimming in a waterfall pool in mulanje , as well as the mountain itself .. Hope all is well , go reds!!