It's Friday here in Gabs ,which means the beginning of another weekend of trash burning, hanging around the house and waiting for our tax return.....
We've exhausted all of our energy to do any other things, but may go putt-putting later this weekend...
The kids are doing great and enjoying the wonderful weather... Swimming time is soon. I'll spare you any more videos from our trip today, simply because I have to download more and it could take all morning.. I'll put it up this weekend..
I plan on taking some time this weekend to get the camera set up and start taking photos again..
Other than that, not much to report....Jude and Franny are sporting bathing suits aroumnd the house, and are getting close to potty training. We stopped giving them sippy cups, which should have stopped a while ago, andit has totally traumatized Frances... Jude just sucks down whatever liquid is in front of him, regardless what type of container it is in... Maura continue to gather flowers from the garden or any garden, put them in containers and hide them around the house...
Quirky? Here's some photos ... Maura and Michelle with the view from our place in Lesotho, Maura with one of her picked flowers, and Maura picking up something else in the middle of a village road.. She is a true gatherer.
I watched Rudy last night..... Man that kid liked Notre Dame.... I wonder how many people in Botswana watched that movie last night...