Monday, February 25, 2008

One step closer...and we're kind of famous!!!!

We have taken a small step further in achieving global peace through cornhole. On Saturday night, we had a Kenyan, a Motswana, a Botsonian, 3 Philadelphians, a New Yorker and one South Dakotaan(?) playing cornhole in our backyard.... You could feel the world uniting a little bit more with each toss of the corn bag.... It was spectacular...
Apparently the Ky. Enquirer has run a story about us and Michelle's work today.. It was a nice article... . If you've read the article and are visiting this site for the first time... thanks for checking it out. there are tons of photos, etc... and videos as well. you can access them on the right.. "eckerle videos"

we had a nice weekend, the kids are off school today due to mid term.... It's hot, a little overcast, but nice. I went to Gabane again this morning to talk to an artisan there named Grand.... he's a great guy, who has a small studio there in the hills above the village... he has these metal sculptures of cobras outside his shop.. I asked if he sees them often... He told last week, he was eating in his home, which is a short walk up the dirt road... anyway, as he was eating, a 4 foot black spitting cobra stopped on his doorstep to bask in the sun.....

He boiled some water, poured it over the snake and killed it... He likes to put them outside his shop to display, but had just thrown it into the woods before I arrived..
He says he does it quite often.. cobras and huge scorpions. Fun stuff.I've been telling myself that I wished we lived in a small village to get the real feel for the place, but now.... maybe I'll be happy with our place in Gaborone.

No new info to talk about.. Everyone here is doing well...Michelle is very busy at the hospital, still dealing with alot of crazy stuff.
That's about it.. hope all is well at home...Oh yeah.. the photos are from today... the woman and child were working a vegetable booth.. They were great.. the girl loved the camera and took a few photos herself..