Well, we had a very nice and almost busy weekend. It was a good time had by all and as we wrap it up, we are all laying around the house taking in a movie. The kids and I just got back from doing some errands, and I thought I'd take the camera along just for kicks.. I should do it more often, we had a good time at the BBS mall. Jacob and I tried some traditional Setswana food while the girls put on a show for all the stall owners. The food was amazing.. A huge spiced steak with pap and a side of chakalaka was ours for the amazing price of 15 pula (2.50USD). It was delicious.
Some of the photos include the meat, the women making the food along with a man name Shine, who asked for his photo with the girls..
The weekend... We spent the 4th at a friends house and had a traditional meal of burgers, cole slaw and potato salad. Kate found a new friend (Charlie) and we kept the babies up way too late.
Saturday was full of American celebration and the evening was a fundraiser for Jacob's Pans walk.
We went to Northside , where we hosted a table for 8 friends, made snacks, brought a cooler and played "Name that tune" against about 11 other tables. There was also an auction for 2 sheep and a hunting expedition for a wildebeest.
We started out strong, keeping pace with 2 other tables, then lost it the second half.. We couldn't figure out some of the South African tunes(ping pong song?)
and weren't quick enough with our buzzer... There was one small section of name the TV show tune and we even lost "WKRP in Cincinnati" theme song.. Horrible.
Then we spent the rest of the evening doing the "Chicken Dance" the "Put you left foot in" and other favorites.. Felt alot like home...
Getting ready for dinner, should go.. Michelle is getting accosted by the kids as I try to write this.. HOpe all is well at home..
Lastly, our friends the Caplans left today.. Very sad. Arthur and Frances became great friends to us and they will be missed. The have a great blog as well.. He and I were always comparing photographs.. here's their site.
DOn't change allegiances, they've left..