We had cake and ice cream for the twin terrors last night with some friends. Michelle made a great cake(which can be difficult here)and we enjoyed listening to the twins scream and holler. It rained and thundered for the first time in months and we all fell asleep on the living room floor.. Thunder and lightning here is a bit scary and last night was no exception. I can't believe 2 years have gone by, they have turned into their own little individuals. Not much else to say, we are going to try and enjoy the day and go to a store called "Game" and get them a few gifts for turning 2.
Well, we just got back from "Game" and got them a few things for their birthday.. The toy selection here in town is downright horrible.. There was a whole row in the toy section selling nothing but Halloween bowls..We got the kids a new doll baby, a few trucks and will probably go out later this week to finish up..
Here's a video of our celebration last night..
Going to go,have to go make plans for the campout this weekend.
Happy Birthday Jude and Franny!!!