Sorry, I intended to get this video up yesterday, but experienced technical difficulties...
Mind you, the video is dull but it gives you a sense of the place we camp here.. There is no camp ranger, no one looking out for visitors, etc...We camped about 20 miles away from the main gate. I think most of the drive was video taking by me during our quest for firewood, which is an adventure in and of intself..
there is a segment from shovel boarding as well.... again, my personal opinion is that shovel boarding in the bush isn't the brightest of ideas, but we survived.. One of the fathers that was new to this game looked at me from the front of my car and said.... "I see alot of lion tracks on the sand out here... do they know there are lions here?" Which we laughed at, but quietly hoped we wouldn't see one.. Of course, I had my camera ready in case it did happen.. Imagine how many viewings that would get..
Nonetheless, it was a great trip.
Jacob had a cricket ball throwing competition yesterday and came in 2nd. The babies are still terrorizing the place and destroying everything in their path..Franny's favorite thing to say now is.... "Hi dad, How are you?" well, that's my favorite things she says.
They all have a bit of a cold and their skin is dry as all get out due to the cool, dry air...I'll spare you details of my skin...
Jacob and Michelle are preparing for their walk across the salt pans, we are preparing for another visitor(michelle's brother Bob), and are finalizing our next big trek through southern Africa.. I'll give you specific webpages next post, but as it stands now, we are headed to Swaziland for 4 days, South Africa wetlands for 5 days and the mountains of Lesotho for some pony trekking for 3 days... Sould be an adventure..
Lastly, I am a loser, and so are the guys that play cornhole with me.. They are totally hooked and we are in the process of making t-shirts..yes, yes Iknow, a little silly, but when that's all there is to do, that's all there is to do.. Anyway, Paul and I had a photo session with the cornhole set at Khutse, we're going to make this photo into a t-shirt and superimpose some lions in the distance..We call ourselves.... are you ready? .... "The Kalahari Cornholers" No, we are not 12years old... We are grown men, most of which are MD's.. The other photo is the stud Jude with Celeste.
All for now.. cut and paste the you tube site into your web browser