Friday, June 5, 2015

friday in Malawi.

Another weekend is upon us and its the same as usual. I'll probably grill out, probably golf in the morning, probably wake up really early  because there's so many damn birds in our yard that start singing at about 430 am.

As our move back home is inevitable, I am finding myself pausing a little more and taking in my surroundings during each day.   Last night, as I was just about to put dinner out on the table, the power went out.. We scrambled to find candles, eventually ate via candlelight, then I made the kids join me outside to look at the sky.. With all the power out in the neighbourhood, the sky was filled with stars. The Malawian night sky ain't too shabby.

Things are finishing up at school as I say goodbye to my older students. Yesterday was Kate's last art class and today I teach Frances, Maura and Jude for the last time this year. I've said it before, but being able to be with them each day has made the transition here very easy. It's been a joy to be with them.... Well, most days.. everyday might be a stretch

Michelle kind of a farewell dinner last night with many of her co-workers/ medical officers.. These next few weeks are going to be packed with trying to finalise things, make sure we are organised and ready to leave.... It might be a blur. But I think Michelle comes back in September so anything we forget, we can finish up later. Not much else to say. The internet is not cooperating so Ill stop now. Have a great friday at home folks. Hope all is well.