Thursday, February 5, 2015


Heading back out to Mkanda today to deliver some food items to Felista. Not much else to report today as things here are good.. Michelle was on call last evening and for the first time in a long time, was not called in overnight.

We have a planned game night this evening with Cincinnati Children's residents, so we'll see how that pans out. Rainy and chilly today..

A few more photos(above) from Tuesday as well as another music video and a video I have made for the students at St. Thomas.. Hope all is well back home..  I absolutely love the singing video. Michelle and I were watching the video last night and I asked her what she sees when she watches something like that... I was thinking that she saw say something like  how many problems/ illnesses the children might have and that they need medical attention.. but instead she said " I see that they are happy.."  And they did seem very happy.
 check out the ox cart that comes barreling through at the end..

When we were helping to load it with bricks, it became stuck in the mud.. As we were making a plan to get it out of the mud, Tusha, the guy from ABC looks at me and says... "TIA man!  This is Africa!"
Ok, kindergarten students at my door..