Sunday, December 30, 2007

Dixons head back home

Just got back from dropping off Michelle's dad, grandma and sister at the airport as they begin their long journey home. We hope they had a good time visiting us. Yesterday was a reallu nice day of visiting Gabane and picking up some great hand made pottery, seeing a boat load of monkeys at the neighborhood game reserve and then eating dinner as the sunset at Mokolodi restaurant. The pottery shop was closed for the holidays , but there was a cell number posted on the door that you could call if you needed assistance. I called Bapsi, she came down and opened the shop and we almost wiped them out of all of their pieces. Here's video of the actual shop where we went. I didn't shoot the video , but it give you a good picture of the place.. One is the view of the shop and the other is one of the potters explaining the process.. I didn't take any photos, but intend to on one of my weekly visits to the village.

We then went to the home of peter and Faith, who had some other items for us to look at,mainly tapestries..

It was a bit sad dropping them off at the airport.. We all kind of wanted to go home too... But we'll be coming home soon... Michelle is sick today and layed up on the couch as Maura climbs around her. Taking it easy today, will probably go swimming here shortly.. It's getting hot again. I plan on celebrating a little later tonight, I hear John Black is ALIVE!!!!

All for now..