It's wednesday, very nice morning.. overcast and quiet. At home my mom continues to slowly get better or more stabilized. Not out of the woods yet and still in the ICU, butI can sense from my family that things seem to be moving in the right direction.. It's simply a waiting game now.That's a good thing to hear, but the waiting is difficult fromsuch a far distance. The time change makes it difficult to follow the hour to hour progress. Please keep her in your thoughts.
We were scheduled to leave for Chobe this morning, but have decided against it for obvious reasons.... It's just too far out in the middle of nowhere and we would probably be out of touch from anyone.. Plus, Michelle and I weren't sure if we could handle another 12 hour drive with all the kids.. under the circumstances.. We have opted to head to Madikwe with the kids and take in some wildlife and a bit of fun for the last time.. We will leave tomorrow and be gone for 2 days.. Ths in only about40 minutes fron town and technologically savvy.. We wouldn't normally go, but the kids have been promised another trip, and michelle has taken the time off.... One more bush experience...
I have yet to comment about Jacob's softball experience. It was a great trip for him and his peers. We played in a tournament against the Northern Schools from Botswana. We won 2 games to 1 and took home the trophy.. It had been so long since we have participated in anything super competitive, it was a little overwhelming at first..but alot of fun.. Pictured is or championship team and it's 2 outstanding coaches... Also is a photo slideshow of some of the action... A few of our boys played in bedroom slippers.. Not like Knothole at all .. But we had great umps who were as professional as can be.. Calling balls and strikes as if we were in the big legues..
a few other photos are of a storm that rolled through Palapye during our first evening there.. I had just finished being bribed by a police officer and pulled over to take a few of these photos... It was really cool and I don't know if the photos do it justice.. It was the first time I was out of town to witness a true African rain storm.. It was much different at home.. and I can't really put my finger on it.. Gotta go, kids are tired and ready for a nap... A couple other notes about softball to mention before i go... the difference between an African softball field and an American softball field that was so obvious to me.... the African field is totally alive... millipede 12 iches in length, lizards, probably snakes, biting ants, etc just litter the playing field. Other photos include a typical road picture... notice not only the feet in the back, but the goats on the side of the road.
Please keep my mom in your thoughts.. thanks