Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Jing -Jing

Maura has a new friend here in Botswana... Her name is Jing-Jing.. Maura says that "she has pink lips and she loves her mom." That's good enough for me. we are doing well here... just hoping that the children continue to draw on the wall, to cover the remaining white spots. It's horrible, looks like a nuthouse.

Michelle is on call this weekend and will be happy to be finished with the hospital work. Jacob is practicing soccer and they have dubbed their team "Northside United."

I apologize for the dull quality of the posts recently.. Life here has become routine, we haven't had a trip in a while and all the crazy aspects of life here are now normal to us.. like the fact that the only time people can register to get married here is on thursday, because that's the only day of the week that the marriage license office is open. Or the fact that they are using plaster of paris and plaster wrap to repair our gutters???? THey look like giant casts.
I went for a run today and I think encountered my first snake.. I didn't stick around to find out... just got hissed at from the tall grass as i ran through a park. I hate snakes... God and the hiss was loud and sounded venomous.
Michelle and I are becoming very old. We both fell asleep at 8:30 last night. what's up with that?

A couple photos for the day... Here's an electric box outside our place.. It is kept closed by the rock that is propped up against its door(i'm sure that's up to code) A man came by from the electric company... moved the rock, did a reading, put the rock back in its place as if all main electric boxes around the world are closed with a rock . other photos, A man in a Gabane shop, and the Gabance tailor....