Friday, March 14, 2008

goodbye to Megan, and my trip to Mmangkodi

Yesterday was an extremely eventful day, and one of the nicest I've had in a while.. I was busy all morning painting the mural, while the three older kids were at school. From there I had and appointment with Fr. Tshiamo at the Reneestwe orphanage in a village named Mmangkodi, about 35 minutes outside of Gaborone.. I wasn't sure what to expect upon my arrival.. the side roads in the village were a bit tough to drive, due to decay and all the rain we've had.. but it was a beautiful drive and the people in the village were kind enough to help me find my way to the parish.
The orphanage apparently takes care of around 70-80 children, who come after school each day. They were wonderful children, who laughed, sang prayers and enjoyed laughing at my attempts at speaking setswana.. they had lunch, taught me some new words and then played for the rest of the day. after speaking with Fr. Tshiamo, I realized how difficult things are for these children... they are cared for my grandparents,, aunts and uncles once their day is finished at the orphanage. Each child is given food baskets throughout the year from the government, b/c of the fact that they have lost their parent.. But due to lack of work, poverty , etc.. many of these guardians sell their food in order to make money,leaving the child without much to eat.. He told me of his struggles to keep the place running, and we spoke of things that perhaps we could do to help his cause.. At least 15 of the families have been destroyed by AIDS.
The children were playing most of the time I was there.. their toys were 1 deflated soccer ball (for the boys) and a rolled up sock with which the girls were playing a version of dodgeball with.. they have a playground, which is in need of some fixing up, but the kids did't seem to care.
There is a woman who seems to be the main caregiver to the kids(Janet) and a young man named Manga who teaches them drama and morality.
The kids were fantastic.. Loving, laughing and playing the whole time I was there. It put alot of perspective on our lives and how lucky we are.... It made my problems and concerns seem ridiculous. I asked Father what they needed.. He said... everything.. Money, books, toys, clothes.. etc.. THey have a small bus that they want to use to take the kids on small trips, but they can't afford gas for it.. they have a room with shelves for a library collection, but maybe 12 books.. Anything would be a step forward for them.. But overall, the place seemed very warm and inviting for the children.... I left the orphanage as children came running, hugging my leg and shaking my hand... I plan to go back very soon...Here's a link to a photo slideshow of my visit. The accompanying music is from a local group called Matsieng... They are extremely popular, you here this music on the radio 24/7.. They're like the "New Kids on the Block" of Botswana.
Last night we said goodbye to a good friend of ours , Megan, who is moving to Lesotho this weekend.. there was a great party for her where all the people from the clinic came to bid her fairwell.. All the Batswana women and men led the celebration in traditional singing and dancing.. It was awesome. We plan on throwing parties everytime we have a visitor , just so they can experience the joy and beauty of this event.... Here's a few photos..