Sunday, March 23, 2008

happy easter from Botswana

Well it's holiday time again, which means nothing but "Air Supply" and pot smoke in the air... Our neighbors are enjoying their day off of work...feel like I'm living next to a continuous grateful dead concert, but for some reason, all the hippie kids think that Air Supply is the music to get high to.

Anyway, holidays are a bit lonely around this joint(no pun intended), the city is deserted, busses were packed with people heading out of town and back to their home villages... There's obviously no family, and with Michelle, Matt and the 2 older kids on safari, I am sitting around watching the 3 little ones beat the hell out of each other... I've been enjoying watching a basketball game a night here for the past few days, and hope to catch a few more tonight..
Matt, Michelle and the kids seem to be living it up in Tuli Block...Apparently they have a local guide with them 24/7.. he even eats dinner with them.. I don't think the game viewing has been all that spectacular... no big game, just zebras, antelope, giraffes, etc.. but they have seen hyenas and Michelle just texted me and said they saw a cobra next to the pool they were swimming in... So, that's very cool!!!! I've been here for 6 months and am dying to see a snake, matt gets off the plane and one is swimming in the same pool with him.. Oh yeah,, Matt and Cathy, this is the pool we'll be going to when you come over...

As for me, I've watched 6 episodes of backyardigans and are playing checkers with Maura. Kind of missing home today... but looking forward to showing Matt the sites when they return from their trip to the bush..
OK, gotta go. maura and i are living it up with a new version of checkers... you can move anywhere and everywhere on each turn.. here's a few photos of animals... these are from chobe.
happy easter everyone... and GO CARDS! I shed a tear watching UK go down the other night.... did they have any business being there? Ouch