Saturday, March 1, 2008

sugar cane and hooked on cornhole

Our home is officially the place to be... we had a major "throw down" last night, all those that participated in our first evening of cornhole returned, with another newcomer...

It was a great time.. one guy even told me he checked out the American Cornhole Association website... so they're hooked. . There's a link on the site, where you can host a tournament.. I'm thinking about it.

Prior to the cornhole.. Jacob, Kate, Maura and I went out to watch the Friday night cricket matches at Broadhurst Primary School. . I have to admit.. it's a boring sport, but I am really enjoying watching it now that I know the rules...

And the atmosphere is great.. Lots of beer drinking, kids running around, grills going all over the surrounding areas... Sausages, steaks, biltong....a vegetarian paradise.

The kids got up at 5:30 am this morning... unfortunately, we didn't go to bed until 1.. so it was a coffee filled morning... It's 9 now and I need to put on another pot.

I've noticed for the last few months the majority of people here eating large sticks of sugar cane.. You can find them anywhere, people sell them on the street.. they are taller than an average person, people just gnaw them, chew it up and spit out what they don't want. it looks really fibrous, but they say it's pretty good. I've never had it, but plan to try it next time i'm out.

Attached are a few photos of Tebogo and Thulie with sugar cane (one of the canes is propped up against a wall) as well as a few Gabane boys sucking on some mangos...