Wednesday, January 30, 2008

return to Gabane and a day at the pool

Not much going on today, the kids had no afterschool activities so we took a dip in the pool after they returned home. We got the twins and Maura in as well, which is a small miracle.. Maura has refused to get in the pool since we've arrived.. there's a brush that constantly cleans the pool and I think she thinks its going to suck her up and eat her, so that was a big hurdle to climb.

The twins love the water and it was good to get them out of the house. Here's a photo of them poolside eating some popcorn.

This morning I visited my friends in Gabane. It had been a while since I"ve been there, so I had a lot of photos to drop off and it took me most of the morning to do so. I managed a few nice photos while I was there, and I am still planning on going out at least once a week to the village. I am known there as the Gabane "lokgowa", which means, the Gabane white man. As I walk through the dusty paths people ask me... "where is your camera?"

It is sad though to walk through there, because I know I will always find the same people at the same place..... no one has a job, everyone is looking for a job, and is asking for help in finding a job. Yet, they are friendly welcoming and always inviting.

I ran into one of the older women who was at the wedding I took photos for back in December and she hugged me and told me she loved her snape' (photo).
Here are a few photos from the morning. Tonight is quiz nite at the bull n' bush bar, so Michelle and I are hoping for a night out. We'll see.

All for now.