Saturday, January 26, 2008

Lazy day

Not much going on in Gaborone today.... Our night guard James came back from a long stint off work, that's about as exciting as its gotten.. That was a big deal though, we were really happy to see him, and I think he was just as happy to see us, but I don't know, I get lost after I say "dumela rra".

jacob had basketball camp at northside this morning, while the girls painted a large box in the front of the house. We have friends coming over this evening so cleaning the home will be my top priority once the babies go to sleep.
Michelle received word yesterday that she will be going to an extremely remote section of Botswana on tuesday to administer care to patients... she gets to take a small prop. plane from Gabs to the village of Hukuntsi, right smack dab in the middle of the Kalahari. . i know she's psyched for the experience, and apparently the clinic will be doing this for a while.... she will write the blog post for that day.....

nothing else to report... a couple photographs are attached.. Jude and Franny in the side yard, and a cemetery in Serowe. This photo doesn't do the size of the place justice, it covered the whole hillside. The tarps stretched across the plots are to keep the rain off of the buried.