Friday, May 16, 2008

THANKS TROOP 449!!!!!!! and a hope that some will join us!

We got a pleasant surprise in the mail yesterday.... several boxes of girl scout cookies from troop 449 in Ft. thomas.. Ellen, the cookies were awesome and your note was a great surprise as well. Makes us remember how wonderful all the people are back home. We ate 3/4 of the cookies right before sitting down for dinner. the kids went nuts when they found out Michelle was bringing girl scout cookies home with her. Here's some photos of our impromptu "girl scout" party as well as one of Kate with Kabo during her piano lesson

In an effort to continue to stay physically active here in Botswana, Michelle and I along with several other people from the clinic have decided to run the Soweto Marathon in Jo'burg South Africa. This happens in November and we are looking for anyone interested in joining us... One of our friends says it is apparently the best marathon in the world due to the great crowd support and the fact that it goes through the township of soweto. we'll be able to cross another place we'd like to see off of our list.

Details are not clear yet, here's a website for the marathon and another for soweto... Let us know if you want to come, we'd love the company.... for those who have run marathons before, you might enjoy the fact that it only costs about 9USD to sign up.

info on soweto

If you're interested, drop us a line via the blog(please leave your email so I can respond)
or email me directly @ . It would be alot of fun!!!!! I swear.
Ok, all for now... the kids and michelle are headed to an outdoor screening of the new "Indiana jones" movie tonight...... It is at the American Embassy rec. center....
Hope you enjoy the photos as much as we enjoyed the cookies..
Thanks again Ellen and Troop 449!!!!!!