Thursday, August 14, 2008

Not sure what to write about this trip, so I"ll just post a ton of photos

We are all doing well today, everyone is relaxing. Bob and I went out to have spiced meat, pap and greens at a restaurant in Gabane, and the kids and I went to a local park that just opened up down the street. It still is polluted with shards of glass, so it's not that relaxing of a place to take the kids.

The trip with the kids to the Rhino Sanctuary was great. We went for game drives, the kids played in the bush and had a nice time outdoors..
After the weekend, Bob and I headed to the salt pans with our guides.. They took care of everything and introduced us to Onion Marmalade(a huge hit with both of us) We hiked a bit, took in the eeire landscape, watched an amazing sunset and enjoyed a night out under the stars..
I'll just post some photos... It was a great experience and the landscape was amazing..

I apologize for seeming so rushed in this, but the day is rushed and we are preparing for our next adventure....Instead of pontificating on the beauty of the place, i'll just give you some photos.. If you ever come to Botswana, the salt pans may be a great place to go.