Michelle's clinic
Food stalls by clinic
Apparently our vehicle should have arrived in South Africa yesterday, but we have not yet received word. We have a clearing agent here in Botswana working out everything for us so that there are no holdups at the border, etc. We should receive it by the end of the week, but I would hope for the end of october. In the meantime, we'll continue taking cab rides and walking to everything...
We live in a somewhat convenient spot in the town. Michelle can easily walk to work and the kids can walk to school. But the school day is so screwy that it becomes very labor intensive to go back and forth to their school everyday for afternoon activities, etc.
Maura goes to school on M-W-F til 1 pm. Kate and Jacob go to school til 1 as well, but Jacob will have afternoon activites scattered throughout the afternoon til 4 or 4:30. Kate has afternoon activites from 2-4 on Mondays and THursdays, but can't be left alone at school on those days between the hour of 1-2. Therefore, we have to pick up Maura(carting the twins as well), walk to Kate and Jacob's school, eat lunch with Kate and then leave, walk back and pick them up at 4 when finished. And that's only on Monday and Thursday. The other days, we have to walk up to the school to get Jacob every day when he's completed at 4 or 4:30. It's a lot, but the afternoon activities are neat. Kate takes Music, Drama, Crafts, Setswana games and cricket and ball skills, while Jacob has enrolled in chess, Softball, night softball on Fridays and swimming. People keep telling us to get domestic help, but I think we are dragging our feet on the issueb/c it is such a foreign thing to us, that I don't know if we'll do it.
Everyone here is sick,caught a flu bug of some sort, but slowly on the mend. Michelle's workis going well and the kids are adjusting to school. Kate will be receiving a recognition award tomorrow morning @ 7:30 for something(they won't tell us) and we're invited to see her receive her award tomorrow @ 7:30 am at the all school assembly.. Another thing to walk to.
The school is really cool...very wide open and tons of space for the kids. When the kids get there early, today we got there at 7:10, they can play all over the campus until the bell rings (7:30).