A wonderful weekend weather wise , but Friday brought some sadness . After school the kids and I came home to find our puppy , Indy , in the side yard really struggling. It had been going on for a week and he had a wheeze / cough since we got him . No one realized the severity of his illness until this past week . Anyway , he looked awful and we took him into the vet . I kind of knew what the verdict would be but we hoped for the best . Turns out the best was to put the poor thing out of its misery and put it to sleep . The kids were distraught and had a rough 24 hours . Nothing that a few empty promises and some ice cream can't fix . Honestly ,
It was pretty sad .
The vet (an American) said it was probably distemper and the dog would have only had a 20% chance of survival back home . That made the kids feel better . Yesterday we hung out at the pool and in the evening had out South African Friends over for a braai of boerwurst , steak and chicken .
It was a great time and the really felt like family . This was filled with looking for golf balls in snake infested holes since I can't keep my drives in the fairway . Michelle came to pick me up , got pulled over bull the cops and was fined 10000kwa for something . I've never seen Michelle this upset here. The cops told her she needed a receipt for the payment and that she had to give the officer a ride to the police station to fill out paper work .. Michelle told them she didn't want a receipt and they should just take our cash .. They disagreed, the cop was about to get into the truck and Michelle said "no , just take the money . I am not obligated to give you a ride and I don't need a receipt ". That's just unheard of here as you need a receipt for everything . They finally let their guard down and now have plenty of money for a good lunch . Not much else going on .. Weather is perfect so we ll head to the pool and hang there for the afternoon . Michelle is getting ready to head to Cape Town tomorrow .. I'm a little jealous . Cheers to everyone back home. We miss our friends and family . Photos are the kids at the pool just about to jump , the other photo is the sky the other night . It was amazing . I've never seen anything like it . This is the sky opposite the sunset . Then below is our friends . Great people