The sports bar offers chicken wings on the menu... little do you realize they are African portions and not American.. I think I counted 4 on the plate of the guy next to me, with a side of slaw and ntsima...
The bar had about 30 people in it, mostly American.. all of them were younger than me as well..
Out broadcast did not include the commercials, nor did it include Al Michaels and Chris Collinsworth.. I didn't get to see Katie Perry either. Instead, during the halftime show, they played highlights from NBA games from Friday night.. that lasted about 30 minutes.. I watched the third quarter and took off and was back in bed by about 430...
All is well here.. Kids are great and much more rested than their father. I'm going to have a difficult time keeping up with them later this afternoon. Another swim meet this upcoming weekend and Michelle and I are planning our next getaway, which should take place over Valentine's weekend.. Probably will head to the lake. Hope all is well back home.
A special thanks to Jen and Jay Debruer for the home brew beers.. Those came at a great time and will be consumed very soon. Since there is only one option for beer here, my taste buds thank you. Love the "Hops and Oats".
Below is a video from this weekend.. The kids decided to start a snail farm and race snails on the side of the house.. they snail races were soooo exciting.. Maura had a friend over and they had a great time. After a rain, snails crawl up the house, up the plants, up the trees and just hang out.. In the video there's a glimpse of one of our walls.. I tried to highlight one of the snails.. It was a conch shell size. It was huge.. check it out.