Anyway, point is we had a nice time getting the twins out of the house.. After our ice cream, we let the twins loose in the mall.... Jude walked around saying hello to everyone that would acknowledge him, while Franny just ran around..
Yesterday as I was walking down the street, there was a young girl in front of me... she walked past one of the hundreds of huge termite mounds(pictured) that are scattered throughout the city, grabbed a termite off the top and popped it in ....her mouth.... apparently they are nutritious and its very common...i'll have to check though.. maybe it's just the termite mound dirt they eat... anyway, it was cool.. she's just walking, never broke stride, reached over the termite mound, grabbed either a critter or dirt and popped it in her mouth.
Here's jude and franny showing off their speaking skills.. They say "dumela rra" very well, even have the rrrrr thing down. Other than that, your basic stuff. Franny does speak more than Jude, but that's to be expected.. Jude demands more attention, and franny is fed up.. She says the phrase "I want to get down" with perfection, due to the fact that she is left in her chair alot longer than Jude, and at times, will sit for hours... So now she just sits there and says... "I want to get down, I want to get down, I want to get down"
we have 5 bags made for the cornhole set.... 3 away from peace on earth..
all for now.